Standard price list

We will be happy to give a price quote for the text you send us in your preliminary online order by the e-mail. Each translation is unique so only after receiving the text to be translated, we can assess the difficulty of the translation, to estimate the extent of the resulting text and to prepare a binding price calculation.

All prices are negotiable; the price of each order is set individually beforehand. The following table shows standard rates in CZK without VAT. Upon request, we will send you a complete price list as well as terms and conditions.

Translation from/into foreign language Proofreading by native speaker Text-to-text transcription
1 SP 1 SP 1 SP
Standard Sworn (certified) Czech language Foreign language Czech language Foreign language
290,- 390,- 90,- 140,- 80,- 120,-
Interpreting from/into foreign language Guide services
Escort Consecutive Simultaneous 1 day
3 500,- 5 500,- 8 000,- 3 500,-
DTP preparation for printing Additional certification with revision Audio/video-to-text transcription
Czech language Foreign language
1 SP 1 SP 1 SP 1 SP
80,- 120,- 100,- 150,-

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